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A member registered Oct 15, 2021

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I know that this game seems not being worked on but I see modding potential in the text files.
The text files themselves can be edited to make custom ships, sprites could be made but I haven't tried to edit them.
This was like... 1 Year ago when I actually messed with the text files.

I think the game could have been underrated if someone already told of us before hand about the modding support.
I guess there is no turning back now.

(2 edits)

Leveling up one of your ships does not show the stat increase in armor in the starship stat screen nor the combat screen. is it something that is not implemented yet or is it something else?

EDIT: There are some cases where my (insert Level Here) Ship showed 5 defense, however when hit by a lv 6 enemy, it did no damage whatsoever.

(2 edits)

I have played Helixteus II and i say this sequel has a lot of potential.
I want to say something about this tho.
Does this game will have modding support in the future? if so, will it have in game modding?

EDIT: Bug if selling resources for money.